Taquitos Amigo
If we do a comparation between the easily of cooking, the flavor, healthy and the cheaper. Probably the best food is the taco... The taco is a mexican food what is, basicaly, a dough with something over it. You can do a taco with all the things that you want, you can see a taco with meat, mole, stew, onion, whatever what you want. That is the reason what i love the tacos, if your cousin can't eat something for healthy, no problem; your sister doesn't like mushroom, ok; your friend is vegetarian, we do a soy meat!!
Another reason for eat tacos is the healthy, obviously is gonna be a bad food if you put bacon, frites, or something like that over it, but is better do one with simple things, like guacamole (avocado, tomato, onion), meat (or soy), corn, etc. and your gonna eat a first category and healthy food.
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